As far as I can determine from the records I have been able to secure, I was born in April of 2010. My parents were both siamese cats, but because of my odd colouration I was given to a different home. It was here that I lived for the first 8 months of my life, with a nice gentleman and his little dog.

Unfortunately for me, the gentleman was afraid for the little dog when we would play and had my front claws removed. It was a painful process and the recovery was long, but I am back to normal - minus the claws of course.

One night in early February 2011 two young humans came to visit the gentleman. I was slightly concerned because all of my belongings were by the front door in bags. I later found out, while eavesdropping on the female's phone calls, that the gentleman loved me but had realized that he was not a cat person. The two humans that brought me home had lost their two cats, Lois and Stanley, in the summer and fall due to old age and incurable illness, respectively.

I now call this place home, it is shared with the humans (also known as "Alicia" and "Mike") and the two pesky dachshunds (also known as "Sadie" and "Fynn").

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