Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Death Stare

I decided to take a moment to instruct you all on how to give a proper, intense, bone chilling death stare.

This is one of the best tools that we posses to instill fear in our humans, cementing our position as masters to our humans. The benefits of this include, but are not limited to; access to food whenever you want, possession of the finest sleeping spots, treats on demand, the best toys... the list can go on and on, it's all up to you and how well you train your human.

This will be the first lesson in a series, so keep checking back for more information.

This is the look at we are going for. It is intese, menacing and will worry your humans to no end. They will have no idea what's going on in your head or what your next move will be, even if you don't have one. In short, it will keep them on edge and remind them not to mess with you.

To begin, you need to secure your backend to the floor. The human may try to move you before you are ready, so this is incredibly important. You must make yourself immovable.

Take note of how I use my tail to steady myself, but also to potentially trip my human if she does not take notice of where I am. My feet are firmly planted to the floor and I have shifted all of my weight to my bottom.

The death stare will have the greatest effect if you slowly turn your body towards the human, whilst keeping your back towards them. I have taken this photo from the side to show proper paw placement while rotating.

Twitch your tail slightly, and slowly raise your head until your eyes meet the human's. The final effect should look very similar to this;

If you are going for a particularly evil look, stare into a bright light before turning around quickly. This will make your pupils appear to be slits to the humans. If you really want to scare them, add a small, low hiss or growl at the end.


1 comment:

  1. that death stare is a lot like my daughter would do when she did not get her own way
