This was my second attempt this week, however both attempts have proven futile and I'm not positive that I should continue at this point. If I do, the humans may begin to inspect everything that leaves the confines of the apartment and I will have no chance.
If anyone is interested in this attempt, I will explain my plan.
The humans have been busy the past few days, they seem to be purging their living space of anything "unnecessary" and putting those things in a box labelled "donations". I suspected that this box may be leaving the premises, and thought that it was the perfect opportunity to rid myself of the humans and the pesky mutts. What a joy that would be; no more dogs chasing me around, no more being told "bad kitty, you're going to break that", the world would be my litterbox.
I managed to "borrow" the female's camera and take this picture, using the self timer on the camera of course, to illustrate my escape.
In case you were wondering, I was not planning on showing my body whist hiding in this box. However, my plan was thwarted once again when the humans decided not to go to Goodwill that day. I ended up hiding in the box for hours, only to realize after they had gone to sleep, that I was not going anywhere.
I have decided to resume my current position here for the time being, after all, I do get free food and what not... at least until the next opportunity arises.
Too bad your plans did not go as expected, at least you weren't sent to Goodwill, where you may have been sent to the pound. I bet your owners would be worried if you escaped, though! Wessie used to be an outside cat before my neighbor shot him, now he stays indoors full time. :(