Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Uh Oh..

I thoroughly annoyed the male of the dwelling yesterday. Perhaps I went too far, he is very angry with me.

The male and female were enjoying a special day, apparently it is known as "Valentine's Day". They locked me out of the bedroom for a bit while they were in there, all the pouding and screeching at the door wasn't enough to get them to open it. I was angry. I decided to hold in this new found anger until a more appropriate time - perhaps when they wouldn't realize that I was angry for being locked out of a room and just assume it was normal kitten stuff.

I waited for about 5 hours, I couldn't take it anymore after that - I need to act upon my displeasure. While the male and female were watching a film I went to what the humans call "the studio". I proceeded to knock as many things off the desk and the shelves as possible... including a very expensive speaker. That may have been a bit too far, but what was done was done and I couldn't take it back, nor replace it.

When the male saw what I had done he was livid. At first the speaker didn't work... many things went through my mind; What was going to happen to me now? Would I be moved to another home before I could finish my experiment? Fortunately for me, after the male played around with speaker for quite some time he got it working again. I will not have to move, although I have been banished from that room for now. A little bit of a backfire on my part as that was the one room where I was allowed but those pesky dogs weren't. At least I still have my place under the chair in the main room... perhaps I will gain access to "the studio" again at a later date. It is a minor set back at this point.

Note to all cats and kittens that may be reading this blog looking for tips... do not do this kind of experiment so early into your cohabitation with the humans - it is not a good idea!


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